Abril 2015.
- Tranquil Elephantatizer Zombie Dawn [Difinitive]
- Franck Roger Toddifiy [Home Invasion]
- Hector Couto Behind [Get Physical]
- Diego Krause Right About Now [Apollonia]
- Hector Moralez Catching Feelings [Material]
- System 2 South Central (Politics Of Dancing Remix) [Politics Of Dancing]
- Julien Sandre Just Me (Nail Dub) [Blind Box]
- Hector Moralez Ten 30 One 33 (DJ Sneak Remix) [Roush]
- Tuccillo Take My Joy (Dub) [Ovum]
- Sante Feat Hector Moralez Graveyardshift [VIVa MUSiC]